We need to call this function for adding content in lis..
function Feedbackadd()
var regad_var = $("#regad1 option:selected").text();
\\ Get the value from one DropDown list that id is regad1
var sub_var = $("#sub1").attr('value');
\\ Get the value from one text box that id is sub1.
var name_var = $("#name1").attr('value');
\\ Get the value from one text box that id is name1.
var email_var = $("#email1").attr('value');
\\ Get the value from one text box that id is email1.
var msg_var = $('#textareamsg1').val();
\\ Get the value from one text box that id is textareamsg1.
var lists = new SPAPI_Lists('listLocationt');
\\ Give the location of document where Feedback list is there.
var res = lists.quickAddListItem('Feedback', { Title:sub_var, Regarding:regad_var, Subject:sub_var, Name:name_var, Email:email_var, Message:msg_var });
if (res.status == 200)
alert('Thank you for Feedback.');
alert('Unexpected error.');
Thanks ....................:-)