
Monday, 20 February 2012

How to detect escape key press with javascript

This post has moved to this link


How to upload image in Sharepoint Document

Hi Frnds,
Some time we need to upload one image for each pages in document library.
So i am uploading one -one image for each page and giving name for image is page name so it would be unique.
This is being stored in one document library.

  Dim spSite As SPSite = New SPSite("yoursite url")
            Dim _web As SPWeb = spSite.OpenWeb()
            Dim slist As SPList = _web.Lists("Content Images")
            Dim sPath As String = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsolutePath
            Dim oInfo As System.IO.FileInfo = New System.IO.FileInfo(sPath)
            Dim sRet As String = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(oInfo.Name)
            Dim imageName As String = sRet.Substring(0, sRet.LastIndexOf("."))
            If FileUploadAttach.HasFile Then
                Dim fileExtension As String = FileUploadAttach.FileName.ToString.Substring(FileUploadAttach.FileName.ToString.LastIndexOf("."))

                imageName = imageName + fileExtension

                Dim destfile As SPFile = slist.RootFolder.Files.Add(slist.RootFolder.Url + "/" + imageName, FileUploadAttach.FileBytes, True)

                Dim item As SPListItem = destfile.Item
                item("Title") = FileUploadAttach.FileName.ToString
            End If

Thanks and regards
Shailendra Kumar Singh

Sunday, 19 February 2012

How to call function inside Repeater

Hi frnds,
Some time we need to edit our items inside repeater. for this condition we can call a function that is being called at item bind inside repeater. This function will be called on every item.

Lets go for one example.
Suppose we are getting Customer name with their mail ID but our requirement is to display only Name .

abc@gmail.com, xyz@gmail.com, dums@gmail.com

These are the customer information but we need to display only
abc,  xyz, dums

so in this condition we can call a function that will give our need , but important point where we will call that
So here is the solution

<asp:Label runat="server" id="lblUser" text='<%# userName(Eval("EmailID"))%>' ></asp:Label>

here i am calling one function that's name is "userName()" and passing value EmailID .
This function will return wat we need


Tuesday, 7 February 2012

How to send E-mail using vb.net Code

Here i am trying to send mail using Gmail free smtp.

Dim mail As New MailMessage()
Dim smtpserver As New SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com")
mail.From = New MailAddress("your Gmail id")
mail.[To].Add("mail Id Where u want to send mail")
mail.Subject = "mail form pis"
mail.Body = "body message"
mail.IsBodyHtml = True
smtpserver.Port = 587
smtpserver.Credentials =
New System.Net.NetworkCredential("yourmailID", "password")
smtpserver.EnableSsl = True

Shailendra Singh

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Dynamically Create CAML QUERY

This post has been moved to this link
