
Tuesday, 27 March 2012

How to Populat a Drop-Down with List Data in Sharepoint

Some time we need to bind some column of SharePoint list to one Drop-Down.
When i had started working on SharePoint i used to bind Drop-Down with list through For Each loop, so it was time consuming and not good in programming.
Now i use simple and easy code without any loop.

       Dim ds As New DataSet()
        Dim mySite As SPSite = SPContext.Current.Site
        Dim myWeb As SPWeb = mySite.OpenWeb()
        Dim list As SPList = myWeb.Lists("ListName")
        Dim DTable_List As DataTable = list.Items.GetDataTable()
        DTable_List.TableName = "Table1"
        DropDownBGroup.DataSource = ds.Tables("Table1")
        DropDownBGroup.DataTextField = "FieldName"
        DropDownBGroup.DataValueField = "FieldName"
        DropDownBGroup.SelectedIndex = 0

I hope this will helpful for you,

Thanks and Regards

How to get attached file url in sharepoint

This post has moved to this link


Monday, 12 March 2012

Cookies Based Authentication